Be Informed – Arrive Prepared
You are about to become a permanent resident. You have done your research and you may think that you have everything you need to start life in a new country. But you can never be prepared enough. This is why Planning for Canada’s services are available to support your life-changing move. Over the last few years, 60% to 70% of immigrants to Canada did not use settlement services. They later found that they could have been better prepared for their move by participating in these services. Don’t make the same mistake.
Planning for Canada’s pre-arrival services are a key source of support that will help you become aware of the expectations, challenges and opportunities you will have in your new home. In this section, you will learn more about our services and how we can help you prepare for your move, settlement and employment in Canada.

Immigrant Workshop
Our Immigrant Workshops provide a comprehensive overview of all key aspects of living and working in Canada. These workshops build on what you may already know through family and friends, helping you set realistic expectations and make informed decisions; you will also have the opportunity to network with like-minded people.
Immigrant Workshop options you can select from:
- 3.5-hour Immigrant Workshop – Living and Working in Canada
This 3.5-hour workshop provides the most comprehensive information and is the best option for those seeking a thorough understanding of living and working in Canada. It covers essential topics related to settlement and employment, including:- Life in Canada: Deepen your understanding of the settlement process. You’ll receive practical guidance on what actions to take pre- and post-arrival and explore key settlement topics such as cost of living, housing, financial management, primary and post-secondary education, transportation, cultural adaptation and more.
- Work in Canada: Expand your knowledge to become job ready. Discover how to identify your transferable skills, build a professional network, and learn about the Canadian workplace culture. You will gain essential knowledge for navigating and effectively integrating into the Canadian work environment.
- 2-hour Immigrant Workshop – Living in Canada
In this 2-hour workshop, enhance your knowledge of the settlement journey. Learn about housing, healthcare, education, finances, opportunities in different communities, cultural adaptation, and more. This workshop will help you anticipate challenges, understand the common life changes immigrants often face, and develop a realistic view of the integration process. - 2-hour Immigrant Workshop – Working in Canada
This 2-hour workshop is designed to help you learn about the essential tools and skills to launch your career with confidence. Gain insights into the labor market, key skills, job search strategies, credential recognition, licensing requirements, and the Canadian work culture.
Self-Directed e-Learning
Planning for Canada’s Self-Directed e-Learning service allows you to explore various topics about living and working in Canada at your own pace. Thanks to these immersive virtual learning modules, you will get access to the latest tips and self-directed e-learning resources designed to meet your specific needs and offer focused support.

One-on-One Session & Connections to in-Canada advisors
The One-on-One session prepares you for personal and professional success. Our experienced facilitators will help you identify your needs and assets, and together, you will develop a personalized Settlement Plan tailored to your personal situation and interests, as well as your destination, career goals and family needs.
At the end of the session, facilitators will connect you with our in-Canada advisors based on your destination and intended occupation in Canada. These experts will provide you with further personalized guidance, support and referrals to local resources tailored to your priorities, chosen destination, and occupational aspirations. In short, the advisors help you put your Settlement Plan into action.
The One-on-One session will last one hour, and you will have the opportunity to:
- Discuss your settlement and employment journey.
- Identify your needs, skills, and priorities for your new life in Canada.
- Determine important actions you can take immediately before your departure and upon arrival in Canada.
- Define what further settlement and employment needs we can help you address.
The in-Canada advisors will:
- Respond to your additional settlement queries that are specific to the province/territory and city of destination.
- Provide guidance on the labour market and prospects in your sector.
- Give you pre-arrival employment support based on your needs, skills and occupation. This additional support may include online mentoring and short-term programs, such as job search e-learning courses, and connections to employment opportunities when relevant.
- Offer guidance related to regulated occupations, including the licensing process and referral to regulatory bodies, as well as exploring related career paths.
- Provide other referrals within your province and city of destination.
Before you arrive in Canada, you will have a clear understanding of the available supports and have started to take the right steps to achieve your settlement and employment goals. Additionally, you will know what you will need to do upon your arrival.
Benefit from the PfC E-library to discover important and useful pre-arrival tips, checklists, and recommendations, in a flexible, self-paced manner.

Live Webinars
PfC’s live webinars will supplement your learning. Expert guests cover priority topics and expand on the information provided during the Immigrant Workshop and One-on-One session. You can learn more about Canadian culture, professional connections and different aspects of living and working in Canada.
Anyone can benefit from our webinars! You and your family can register and attend any webinar even if you still do not qualify for our pre-arrival services.
Success Stories
Find Out If You’re Eligible
We offer pre-arrival services to approved permanent residents (or those who are very close to becoming one) under two immigration streams: economic and family class, and the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP). In this section you will learn if you are eligible for our services under one of these streams.
If you’re an economic or family class immigrant
You are eligible for our pre-arrival services if:
- you are not currently in Canada;
- you have applied for immigration to any part of Canada as a principal applicant, spouse or adult dependant; and
- you have received at least one of the documents on this list:
- IRCC invitation to obtain pre- arrival services
- Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) letter/document
- Passport request letter that indicates Permanent Resident Visa issuance
- IRCC request that an applicant for permanent residence complete a medical examination
- Single Entry Permanent Resident Visa
- Permanent Resident Visa pick- up notification letter
If you are a francophone immigrant moving to a province outside Quebec, including under the Atlantic Immigration Program, please contact Connexions-Francophones.
If you’re an Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) immigrant
You are eligible for our pre-arrival services if:
- you are not currently in Canada, and
- you or your spouse or parent have received a Completed Job Offer Form to a Foreign National from an employer in one of the four Atlantic provinces—New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland and Labrador.